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Concentrated solar power could generate 'quarter of world's energy'

"Industry groups call for solar thermal technology to expand in 'sun belt' around world as Spain leads the field"

Category: Energy sources


White roofs and 'cool' cars

"Obama's US energy secretary gives Prince Charles tips on tackling climate change. Reflecting sunlight on buildings and cars among dozens of ideas considered by Steven Chu and the US energy department"


US unveils $4bn plan to upgrade public housing as part of green jobs project

"Renovation scheme will replace windows, insulation and light bulbs in ageing and neglected low-income housing stock"


North Korea 'fires more missiles'

"North Korea has fired two more missiles, hours after the UN Security Council unanimously condemned its nuclear test, South Korean reports say."

Category: Weapons


Camera grid to log number plates

"A national network of cameras and computers automatically logging car number plates will be in place within months, the BBC has learned."

Category: Communications

Displaying results 1201 to 1205 out of 2977